
Meet Jackie Beck: PTN Board Member

Meet Jackie Beck, who is the co-founder of PTN and current board secretary. Jackie and her husband are empty nesters who moved back to West Michigan from the Phoenix area in early 2021. They were happy to escape the unrelenting heat, trading out their swimming pool for the big lake and the beauty of Park Township.

Why the move to the Holland area?

Top priority was being close to the water in a welcoming area. Jackie had lived in Norton Shores as a child, and remembered visiting Holland fondly, so the area quickly became their choice. It hit everything on their checklist except New York style pizza. They bought their house sight unseen during the pandemic (her husband had never even been to Michigan before the move) and they are loving it here!

Why did you choose Park Township for your vacation rental?
I didn’t start out intending to have a vacation rental at all. But after selling my long term rentals in Arizona (because being a long-distance landlord is not my cup of tea) I came across a nearby house that I loved. It needed a lot of work, which was a plus for me.

It’s on a heavily wooded lot with lots of wildlife. I bought it with the vague idea of having family able to stay close by our home in Park Township, and maybe renting it out as well. Our next door neighbor’s house here is a vacation rental, so I considered doing that vs longer term.

Seeing how unobtrusive, friendly, and well-managed a vacation rental could be gave me the courage to try it. And of course our neighbor was happy to give me pointers. Turns out I LOVE having a vacation rental! It’s fun and flexible. Of course, I always make my vacation rental neighbors’ comfort priority #1.

What do you like about the Holland area?

The people, the beach, the trees, the winter! What’s not to like? After years in the burning desert, I love having seasons again. (Especially ones that don’t involve regular 110+ degree days.) And my husband is loving it here as well! He lived near the beach in Southern California for many years, so is very glad to be back by the water too. This is actually the only place either of us have ever actively chosen to live.

Tell us a bit more about yourself.
I have a son that I’m very proud of, who recently moved to the Pacific Northwest. We have two rescue dogs — one of which is essentially a pandemic dog — so I work with them a lot.

I am a personal finance blogger who helps motivate others to get out of debt. I’m also the creator of one of the first debt snowball apps ever (Pay Off Debt by Jackie Beck), which was featured in the Oprah magazine.

I enjoy DIY, travel, photography, and creating art. My favorite place I’ve been to is Antarctica. It defines the word awesome, and is unforgettable for so many reasons.

I am currently having fun learning to garden, since plants are happy to grow here. I have a newly acquired addiction to houseplants as well.

What is your hope for Park Township Neighbors?

I hope that we are able to quickly and effectively work with the township to keep vacation rentals legal here. So many of us checked with the township prior to beginning renting, and were told there were no restrictions.

And I hope we are able to continually help foster good relationships between residents and non-residents alike, and do good things in the community as a whole. I would love for it to become a service club with social events at some point.

But first let’s focus on continuing the long-standing tradition of vacation rentals here in our beach community!