
Park Township Neighbors asks court for relief on short term rental ban


Park Township Neighbors (PTN) has filed a lawsuit against Park Township to ask the court for relief on the township’s short term rental ban.

PTN spent many months trying to avoid a lawsuit, working to find a win-win solution instead. After the Park Township Board of Trustees proved unwilling to compromise or to allow PTN to present at a board meeting, PTN turned to the court for help.

For nearly 50 years, Park Township had repeatedly and expressly permitted the use of single-family dwellings for short-term rentals throughout the township, which has long been a tourist destination. PTN would like that use to continue, in a respectful manner.

According to data received from the township in July of 2023, the majority of Park Township short term rentals are owned by Holland area residents, including a significant number of Park Township residents. 75% of the rentals are owned by Michiganders.

PTN believes the township’s ban on short-term rentals, including its subsequent attempts at amendment, is unlawful and should be declared void.

A professional poll of registered voters across the township in summer 2023 showed that nearly 60% of voters in the township do not support the ban on short-term rentals.

But if the township still desires the ban, it has a clear legal duty to amend its Zoning Ordinance in compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act. PTN still hopes to find a win-win solution, and the lawsuit does not seek monetary damages.


Interested parties can view a copy of the lawsuit here.

Media contact:
Jeremy Allen

About PTN:
Park Township Neighbors (PTN) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization established by families, individuals, business owners, and community leaders working together to improve everyone’s experiences in Park Township.